About TIFR
The Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) is one of India’s premier institutions for advanced research in fundamental sciences. Established in 1945, TIFR operates under the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India, and is known for its world-class research in disciplines such as physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, and computer science. With its main campus in Mumbai and centers across India, TIFR fosters a vibrant academic environment that promotes cutting-edge research and innovation. The institute also plays a pivotal role in training the next generation of scientists through its Graduate School (GS) programs, offering PhD and integrated MSc-PhD degrees. Through initiatives like the Joint Graduate Entrance Examination for Biology and Interdisciplinary Life Sciences (JGEEBILS), TIFR has become a key destination for students aspiring to pursue research careers in various scientific domains.
TIFS GS 2025
The Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) Graduate School (GS) Exam is a national-level entrance test for students aspiring to pursue research in various scientific disciplines, including physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, and computer science. TIFR conducts this exam annually to select students for its prestigious PhD and integrated MSc-PhD programs. The exam is divided into subject-specific sections to evaluate a candidate’s depth of knowledge and aptitude for research. In the life sciences domain, the exam is conducted under the Joint Graduate Entrance Examination for Biology and Interdisciplinary Life Sciences (JGEEBILS). With a rigorous selection process, the TIFR GS exam serves as a gateway to one of India’s most respected research institutions, offering students the opportunity to work with top-notch faculty and cutting-edge research facilities.
TIFR GS 2025 Important Dates & Highlight
Description | Date |
Online application portal opens | 21st September, 2024 |
Application deadline to apply for Fee Waiver Requests | 11 pm on 6th October, 2024 |
Application deadline for priority in choice of test center | 11 pm on 13th October, 2024 |
Application deadline for completing REGISTRATION | 11 pm on 20th October, 2024 |
Hall ticket download begins | Mid November, 2024 |
Date of Examination | Sunday, 08th December, 2024 Morning Session : Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science & Learning, Information and Data Sciences: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Mathematics (PhD at CAM) : 9:00 am to 11:00 am Afternoon Session : Biology (JGEEBILS) : 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm Mathematics (all other programs), and Science Education : 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm |
Program start date | 1st August, 2025 |
TIFR 2025 Eligibility Criteria
For Detailed Eligibility Check out this PDF
TIFR GS Exam Syllabus
TIFR GS 2024 Syllabus PDF Download Links | |
Subject | PDF Download Links |
TIFR GS Syllabus 2024- Mathematics | Click Here to Download |
TIFR GS Syllabus 2024- Chemistry | Click Here to Download |
TIFR GS Syllabus 2024- Physics | Click Here to Download |
TIFR GS Syllabus 2024- Biology | Click Here to Download |
TIFR GS Syllabus 2024- Computer Science & Learning, Information and Data Sciences | Click Here to Download |
TIFR GS Syllabus 2024- Science Education | Click Here to Download |
TIFR Biology (JGEEBILS) Syllabus
- The exam consists of 4 sections, split into 2 sub-sections, General A and B, Physics A and B, Chemistry A and B, and Biology A and B.
- The exam tests the ability to synthesize topics that you have learnt during a typical science course during high school or during your undergraduate. There are no other special topics required.
- All questions are multiple choice and have ONLY ONE correct answer. Answer them by clicking the radio button next to the relevant option. They can appear in any order within the section.
- All sections have a total of 15 questions, with 10 in sub-section A and 5 in sub-section B. Correct answers in the A sub-section are worth 1 mark, and in the B sub-section, 2 marks.
- Note there will be negative marking for incorrect answers.
Participating institutes For Biology JGEEBILS
Institute Name | Site |
ACTREC | www.actrec.gov.in |
Ashoka University | www.ashoka.edu.in |
BITS | www.bits-pilani.ac.in |
Bose Institute | www.jcbose.ac.in |
CHG | www.chg.res.in |
IISc | https://iisc.ac.in |
IISER-Bh | www.iiserbpr.ac.in |
IISER-K | www.iiserkol.ac.in |
IISER-P | www.iiserpune.ac.in |
IISER-TVM | www.iisertvm.ac.in |
IISER-T | www.iisertirupati.ac.in |
IMSc | www.imsc.res.in |
InStem | www.instem.res.in |
LV Prasad Eye Institute | https://www.lvpei.org |
MSLS | https://www.manipal.edu/mu.html |
NBRC | www.nbrc.ac.in |
NCCS | www.nccs.res.in |
NIBMG | www.nibmg.ac.in |
NII | www.nii.res.in |
NISER | www.niser.ac.in |
Shiv Nadar | http://www.snu.edu.in |
SINP | www.saha.ac.in |
DBS-TIFR | www.tifr.res.in/~dbs |
NCBS-TIFR | www.ncbs.res.in |
TIFR, Hyderabad | www.tifrh.res.in |
Test date and venues for TIFR JGEEBILS 2025 students
The online test will be held on Sunday, 8th December, 2024 in the following cities:
Agartala, Ahmedabad, Aizwal, Allapuzha, Amritsar, Belgavi (Belgaum), Bengaluru, Bhatinda, Bhillai, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Burdwan, Chandigarh, Chennai, Cochin, Coimbatore, Cuttack, Dehradun, Delhi, Dhanbad, Dispur, Ernakulam, Guntur, Guwahati, Haldwani, Hyderabad, Indore, Jaipur, Jalandhar, Jammu, Jamshedpur, Kanchipuram, Kanpur, Kolkata, Kozhikode, Lucknow, Madurai, Mallapuram, Mandi, Mangalore, Mohali, Mumbai, Nagpur, Naharlagun, Navi Mumbai, Panaji, Patiala, Patna, Pune, Raipur, Ranchi, Rourkela, Salem, Srinagar, Thane, Thiruvananthapuram, Varanasi, Vijayawada, Visakhapatnam.
TIFR 2025 Mathematics syllabus
- Real Analysis: Riemann integration, Riemann-Stieltjes integration in R. Sequences and series
- of functions, Uniform convergence, Arzel`a-Ascoli theorem. Function of several variables, Continuity, Directional derivative, Inverse and implicit function theorems. Fixed point theorems.
- Ordinary Differential Equations: Existence and uniqueness of solutions of initial value problems for first order ODEs. General theory of homogenous and non-homogeneous linear
- ODEs. Stability of linear ODEs. Sturm-Liouville boundary value problem, Green’s function.
- Linear Algebra: Vector space, Linear transformation, Algebra of matrices, rank and determinant of matrices, linear equations. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, Cayley-Hamilton theorem, Minimal polynomial, Algebraic and geometric multiplicities. Spectral theorem, Jordan forms.
- Topology: Topological spaces, Induced topology, Product topology, Separation axioms. Continuous maps and homeomorphisms, Connectedness, Compactness. Baire category theorem.
- Functional Analysis: Normed Linear Spaces, Banach spaces, Continuous linear functional,
- Dual spaces. Hahn-Banach theorem, Open mapping theorem, Closed graph theorem, Uniform boundedness principle. Weak convergence, Hilbert spaces, Reisz representation theorem for Hilbert space.
- Measure Theory: Lebesgue measure, Lebesgue integral. Fatou, Monotone and dominated convergence theorems. Product measures, Fubini theorem. Lp spaces.
- Complex Analysis: Cauchy-Riemann equations, Countour integration, Goursat’s theorem, Cauchy’s theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula, Power series representation, Liouville’s theorem, Morera’s theorem, Schwarz reflection principle. Meromorphic functions, Laurent series, Calculus of residues, Argument principle, Hurwitz’s theorem, Maximum modulus principle, Open mapping theorem, Rouch´e’s theorem. Conformal mappings, Schwarz’s lemma, Automorphisms of the unit disc and upper half-plane.
- Probability: Combinatorial and discrete probability, basics of simple random walk. Random variables and their probability mass function/density function. Distribution function of a random variable. Expectation, variance, and higher moments of random variables. Conditional probability and conditional expectation (for random variables with a continuous density). Borel-Cantelli and its applications. Limit theorems: statements of the law of large numbers and central limit theorem, with applications to estimating probabilities.
TIFR Mathematicsv2025 Examination Format
The exam will be 120 minutes long consisting of 20 multiple choice questions that may have
more than one correct answer.
For a question with only one correct answer, you will get
- 10 points for choosing the correct answer and
- −5 points for choosing any incorrect answer.
For a question with multiple correct answers, you will get - 10 points for choosing all the correct answers,
- 5 points for choosing at least one correct answer (but not all the correct answers) and did
not choose any incorrect answer, and - −5 points if you choose any incorrect answer.
TIFR 2025 Physics syllabus
TIFR 2025 Physics Entrance test stages
The Physics entrance test consists of two stages.
- The first stage of the entrace test is the Screening test (December 2023). The Screening test
features multiple-choice type questions. - The second stage consists of Interviews/Written tests for the candidates who clear the
screening test (Spring 2024).
In general, the syllabus for the Admissions Tests in Physics [Screening test as well as the
Interviews/Written tests] is typically a course of studies in Physics as the main subject in the
Undergraduate and Masters levels in an Indian University. The questions in the Screening test and
the Interviews/Written tests are distributed over the following areas: Classical Mechanics;
Mathematics relevant to Physics; Electricity and Magnetism; Quantum Mechanics; Heat,
Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics; General Physics; Modern Physics; Electronics and
Experimental Physics.
TIFR GS 2024 Physics Screening Test Instructions
- You may NOT keep with you any books, papers, mobile phones or any electronic devices which
can be used to calculate or get/store information. For a calculator, click the icon on the top right
of the question frame on your screen. - This test consists of TWO sections.
- SECTION A comprises 25 questions, numbered Q.1‐Q. 25. These are questions on basic
topics. - SECTION B comprises 15 questions, numbered Q. 1‐Q. 15. These may require somewhat
more thought/knowledge. - ALL questions are Multiple-Choice Type. In each case, ONLY ONE option is correct. Answer
them by clicking the radio button next to the relevant option.
•If your calculated answer does not match any of the given options exactly, you may mark the
closest one if it is reasonably close. - The grading scheme will be as follows:
Section A: +3 marks if correct; ‐1 mark if incorrect; 0 marks if not attempted
Section B: +5 marks if correct; 0 marks if incorrect or not attempted, i.e. NO negative marks. - The invigilators will supply you with paper sheets for rough work.
- Do NOT ask the invigilators for clarifications regarding the questions. They have been
instructed not to respond to any such queries. In case a correction/clarification is deemed
necessary, it will be announced in the examination hall. - You can get a list of useful physical constants by clicking on the link Useful Data. Make sure
to use only these values in answering the questions, especially where the options are numerical,
unless instructed otherwise in the question itself.
TIFR 2025 Chemistry syllabus
The syllabus for the Written test in Chemistry is similar to the typical standard syllabus
followed in any Indian university for the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree course. The questions
are aimed at testing the basic understanding and knowledge in the areas of physical,
organic, inorganic, analytical, electro and quantum chemistry, biophysics,
thermodynamics, spectroscopy (NMR, fluorescence, IR, UV and X-ray), logic and
statistics and mathematical methods.
TIFR 2025 Chemical sciences paper instructions
- This is a multiple-choice question paper with only ONE section having a total of 40
questions. Each correct answer will get 3 marks. Every wrong answer will get a -1
mark. Marks are not awarded or deducted when a question is not attempted. It is
better not to answer a question if you are not sure. - PLEASE NOTE CAREFULLY: To get a FULL and CLEAR VIEW of the questions and
the options, please click on the > arrow (on right side) on the vertical scrollbar, which
allows for maximizing the display. - Indicate your answers by clicking the right option.
- Rough work may be done on blank sheets. If needed, you may ask for extra rough
sheets from an invigilator. - In answering the questions, please choose the option that best describes the solution
to the problem. - You can get a list of useful physical constants by clicking on the link UsefulData at
the top right corner of the display. You may use these values in answering the
questions if required. - Use of calculator is permitted in this subject test. To use it click on the calculator
icon provided on your screen.
TIFR Computer Science & Learning, Information and Data Sciences Syllabus
General Instruction For admissions in Computer Science (CS) programme and Learning, Information and Data Sciences (LIDS) programme (formerly called Systems Science)
- The question paper consists of Three (3) parts:
Part A Common
Part B Computer Science (CS)
Part C Learning, Information, and Data Science (LIDS) - The total time allotted is three (3) hours. There are no separate limits on the time allowed
for each part. Each part consists of fifteen (15) questions. - Common: Part A must be attempted by all candidates.
- To be considered for entrance into Computer Science, Part B: CS must be attempted. If
you do not wish to be considered for entrance into Computer Science, you can skip all
questions in Part B: CS. - To be considered for entrance into Learning, Information and Data Sciences, Part C:
LIDS must be attempted. If you do not wish to be considered for entrance into Learning,
Information and Data Sciences, you can skip all questions in Part C: LIDS. - Candidates may attempt both Part B: CS and Part C: LIDS; however, no extra time will
be given. Candidates who attempt both Part B: CS and Part C: LIDS will be considered
for entrance into both Computer Science and Learning, Information and Data Sciences. - As in a paper exam, sections and questions can be attempted in any order and revisited
as often as desired. - All questions carry equal marks. A correct answer will give you +4 marks, a wrong
answer will give you -1 marks (i.e., one (1) mark will be deducted for a wrong answer),
and a question not answered will give you 0 marks. - For entrance into Learning, Information and Data Sciences, marks in Part A: Common
and Part C: LIDS will be considered and marks in Part B: CS will be ignored. - For entrance into Computer Science, marks in Part A: Common and Part B: CS will be
considered and marks in Part C: LIDS will be ignored. - Rough work may be done on the rough sheets provided.
- Use of calculators, mobile phones, laptops, tablets, or other electronic devices, including
those connecting to the internet, is NOT permitted. - Do NOT ask for clarifications regarding the questions from the invigilators. They
have been instructed not to respond to any such inquiries from candidates. In case a
correction/clarification is deemed necessary, the invigilator(s) will announce it publicly.
Please read all instructions carefully before you attempt the questions.
TIFR 2025 Computer Science syllabus
Syllabus –
- Discrete Mathematics: Sets and Relations, Combinatorics (Counting) and Elementary
Probability Theory, Graph Theory, Propositional and Predicate Logic. - Formal Languages, Automata Theory and Computability.
- Data Structures and Algorithms: Arrays, Lists and Trees, Sorting and Searching,
Graph algorithms, Complexity of problems and NP-completeness. - Fundamentals of Programming Languages and Compilers: Control structures,
Parameter passing mechanisms, Recursion, Parsing and type checking, Memory
management. - Operating Systems and Concurrency
- Switching Theory and Digital Circuits
- Theory of Databases
Learning, Information, and Data Science (LIDS)
(formerly called Systems Sciences) - Engineering Mathematics: Probability, Linear Algebra, Basic Optimization, Basic Analysis,
Calculus. - Electrical and Computer Sciences: Signals and Systems, Digital Signal Processing.
- Part B- Computer Science Questions
- Part C – Learning, Information, and Data Science (LIDS)
TIFR Science Education Syllabus
Entrance Test for Ph.D. Programme in Science Education – 2024
Read the following instructions carefully.
- Section II of the written test carries 50 marks. It has 3 questions. Q 81is of 20 marks, and
- Q 82 and Q 83 are 15 marks each.
- This paper has two sections, section I is of multiple choice questions; and section II is a
- descriptive one- titled as critical reasoning.
- Section I of the written test carries 100 marks.
- There are a total of 80 questions in section I distributed among different subjects as:
- o Q 1 to 25: Quantitative reasoning, scientific literacy and technical comprehension.
- o Q 25 to 40: Social and cognitive sciences and education.
- o Q 41 to 80: Ten questions each on biology (41 to 50), chemistry (51 to 60),
- mathematics (61 to 70) and physics (71 to 80).
- All questions are of multiple-choice type with four options, out of which only one option
- is correct. Each correct answer earns 2 marks. An unanswered question or a wrong answer
- 𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑧𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 = (𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑏𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 /𝑁𝑜. 𝑜𝑓 𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑑) 𝑋 50
- earns no mark.
- You may answer any 50 questions from section I. In case more than 50 questions are
- attempted, the score obtained will be normalized to that corresponding to 50 questions,
- using the following formula.
Please note
- You will need to click on ‘Submit’ at the end of Section I to access Section II for the first time.
However, you can continue switching between sections anytime to edit/update your response. - While typing in the text boxes, the following function keys CANNOT be used/operated:
Ctrl+C Ctrl+X Ctrl+V [Accidental or otherwise – use of the above keys will lead to erasing of
the text matter already typed in that particular text box.]
Please visit HBCSE Graduate school website for syllabus details.
TIFR GS Application fee
Application Fee (Non-Refundable) |
Male Candidates : Rs 1000/- |
Female Candidates : Rs 500/- |
Others : Rs 500/- |
Application fee can only be paid ONLINE through Internet Banking/Debit Card/Credit Card/UPI or other modes as available on our payment gateway |
TIFR GS 2025 Application Procedure-
- It is recommended that you use a desktop/laptop since some links may not work on mobile browsers.
- Please note that details once given in the basic registration (name, date of birth, mobile number, email id, SSC details, subject, program etc.) cannot be modified nor will duplicate registration be allowed by the system
- After login, please click “Go to Application” link on the right-top corner of the page and complete the full application. This link may not be visible on mobile browsers. In that case please try and use laptop/desktop.
- Before you start filling up the complete application form make sure you have the following ready with you :
- Scanned image/electronic copy of your Passport size photograph (preferably a jpg file below 80 kb in size). Applications with personal photos (selfies) or edited photos uploaded will be rejected.
- Scanned copy of signature (preferably a jpg file below 80 kb in size).
- If you are applying under the Fee Waiver category, the scanned copy of the recommendation letter from the Principal/HOD of your college.
- Check all the details before clicking the submit button.
Click here for new registration.
Click here for go to official site
TIFR GS Previous Year Papers PYQs
Subject | GS-Year wise PYQ |
Biology | Biology 2024 Biology 2023 Biology 2022 Biology 2021 Biology 2020 Biology 2019 Biology 2018 Biology 2017 Biology 2016 Biology 2015 |
Physics | Physics 2024 Physics 2023 Physics 2022 Physics 2021 Physics 2020 Physics PhD 2019 Physics iPhD 2019 Physics 2018x Physics 2018 Y Physics 2017X Physics 2017Y |
Mathematics | Mathematics 2024 Mathematics 2023 Mathematics 2022 Mathematics 2021 Mathematics 2020 Mathematics 2019 Mathematics 2018 Mathematics 2017 Mathematics 2016 |
Chemistry | Chemistry 2024 Chemistry 2023 Chemistry 2022 Chemistry 2021 Chemistry 2020 Chemistry 2019 Chemistry 2018X Chemistry 2018Y Chemistry 2017X Chemistry 2017Y |
learning information and data science | 2024 |
Computer science | CS 2024 CS 2023 CS 2022 CS 2021 CS 2020 CS 2019 CS 2018 CS 2017 CS 2016 CS2015 |
Wildlife Biology & Conservation | Wildlife Biology 2024 Wildlife Biology 2022 Wildlife Biology 2020 Wildlife Biology 2018 |
Science Education | Science Education 2024 Science Education 2023 |
TIFR GS 2025 Selection Process
1. The admissions cycle for admission to a program starting in year 2025 begins from 21st September 2024.
2. The application portal for the ongoing application year GS-2025 is active , click here for registration.
The steps are:
a. Applications are invited for Hall tickets for the GS-2025 written test. The portal will open approximately in oct-nov.
b. The GS-2025 written test is conducted typically on the 2nd Sunday 8 December at centres all over India. The list of centres is displayed once the portal opens.
c. The results be announced on this website when it is available. We are unable to reply to emails asking us about this.
3.Each Subject Board, and each Center offering a particular programme in that Subject, has its own criteria for shortlisting. These may include not only the written test marks, but may take into account past academic performance, write-up submitted (if required in your subject), and recommendation letters at the appropriate stage.
3. Please check out the Eligibility criteria to determine which program you may apply to.
4. May questions are already answered in the FAQs. If you do not receive a reply to your email, it is because your question is already answered in the FAQs.
5. Other useful information is available under Navigating Graduate School: a guide
TIFR Scholarships
Students receive a monthly fellowship of Rs 37,000 (+ hostel accommodation OR HRA as applicable) enhanced to Rs 42,000 after registration.
Students receive a monthly fellowship of Rs 25,000 for the first year. At the end of the first year, upon satisfactory performance, the fellowship is enhanced to Rs 37,000 per month (further raised to Rs 42,000 after registration for PhD). If a student takes the MSc exit option, then the fellowship for the 3rd year is reduced to the 1st year amount.
All students (admitted to PhD/ I-PhD/ MSc programs) must submit a provisional or a final degree certificate as proof of having passed the qualifying examination i.e. BSc/ BS/ BTech/ BE/ MSc/ MTech or equivalent either at the time of joining, or latest by the end of the first academic year.
TIFR 2025Subject Boards and Programs
Click here to view detailed information about institutes and offered programs